One-on-One Tutoring
We provide one-on-one tutoring format for all levels of the CFA® program. Our tutoring programs are structured as follows:
- Duration: 5 months
- Sessions: 55-60 sessions, each made up of 2 hours.
- Format: Online via Google Meet
- Teaching Tools: Whiteboard, PowerPoint Presentations, Notes, Instructor Explanations, Problem Solving
- Teaching Language: Arabic, English, or Both!
- Instructor: CFA Charterholder with +10 years of experience in teaching the CFA program
Corporate Bootcamp Classes
We provide CFA corporate group bootcamp format for all levels of the CFA® program. Our corporate group bootcamp programs are structured as follows:
- Duration: 1 month (22 days)
- Sessions: 22 sessions, each made up of 6 hours.
- Format: Online via Google Meet or Live at the Company’s Premises
- Teaching Tools: Whiteboard, PowerPoint Presentations, Notes, Instructor Explanations, Problem Solving
- Teaching Language: Arabic, English, or Both!
- Instructor: CFA Charterholder with +10 years of experience in teaching the CFA program